show_pages Default Values: no Accepted Values: no, yes Displays pages in stead of the default tags. Shortcode used:[mctagmap show_pages="yes"]Copy Shortcode
A Advanced Usage authors_sort_last Author Test 17.0.34 author_avatar author_avatar_linked author_bio B basic basic_heading C Child Page of Options child_of class columns count_order css3 D denote_numbers denote_numbers error descriptions Display Single E equal exclude F Flex - Inline Display Flex - Inline Display w/ thumbnail force_first force_first_nav from_category from_current G group_numbers H hide Hide Numbers Home Hungarian Sorting I ie9 L List of Novels M manual mechanicvirus minimum_count more Multiple Post Types multisite multi_page multi_page and responsive N name_divider numbers_first num_show O Options order P Pages with category page_excerpt page_hierarchy post_tags post_type R responsive S search show_authors show_categories show_child_pages show_empty show_navigation show_pages show_posts sort_alpha sort_alpha_extras sort_alpha_groups sort_alpha_numbers T tag_count taxonomy tests thumbnail thumbnail_linked title_divider toggle W width
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